What is Anthem Ky?
Anthem ky is one of the business service location of Anthem in Kentucky. They have got a number of service locations all over the nation. They are having a number of plans for the customers based at different locations of the world. Anthem is one of the leading Insurance policy offering company of United States. The main operational location of Anthem ky is in Michigan Plaza, Chicago, Illinois. Anthem ky is featured with close to 1000 employees. The daily operations of Anthem ky were started in 1980 from United States.
Useful Plans Offered By Anthem ky
Having a large customer network Anthem ky has been on the front page of this business in delivering Some useful care plans. They have got a number of customer satisfactory products in the market. Some of the Vital plans offered by Anthem ky are written below:
- Leaf Plans
- Healthfirst CompleteCare
- Healthfirst 65 Plus Plan
- Healthfirst Coordinated Benefits Plan
- Child Health Plus
- The Healthfirst AbsoluteCare FIDA Plan
Contact Form Page of Anthem ky
If you have got any complaint, query or suggestion related to Anthem ky, you can write the officials anytime through the contact form which is labelled in contact us page. This option has been provided so that customers may write the officials anytime. here we will provide you a direct link that will directly take you to the contact us form page of Anthem ky:
https://www.anthem.com/health-insurance/customer-care/write-usCustomer Service Suppport of Anthem ky
Customers who are having any kind of trouble regarding services and facilities can use the contact numbers they have devised. These contact numbers have been offered by the customer service department of Anthem ky. The customers can make an official contact with
Anthem ky through the following contact numbers:
- For Any Assistance: Call Call 800 203-0585
- For Technical Issues: Call Tel: 888-705-0583
- For Blue Access Internet Desk: Call 1(888)706-0583
- For Little Help: Call Call 800.393.6130
- For Blue Shield California: Call95927-2540